Bound Treasure Read online

  Bound Treasure

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club [4]

  Avery Gale

  * * *

  Warning: For Mature Adult Audiences. Contains language and actions some may deem offensive. Sexually explicit content. Ménage – MFM.

  In book four of the Masters of the Prairie Winds Club: For a decade, Regi carefully protected the truth of her past—or so she thought. Working for the Masters of the Prairie Winds Club seemed like a dream come true, what better place to fly under the radar than a kink club that vigorously guards the privacy of its members? What she hadn’t planned on was the connections and expertise of her former SEAL bosses and their friends. She fears her biggest mistake was becoming emotionally invested in the wild and wacky friends she’s made.

  Doctors Kirk Evans and Brian Bennett have made their interest in Regi crystal clear but her continued rebuff has them wondering if they’re fighting a losing battle. But when information about her past begins to surface, they begin to understand even if they aren’t sure they can convince her that love holds the power to heal almost any wound.

  Can Regi let go and trust the two Doms who have made their interest in her crystal clear? Or when her past raises its ugly head, are her dreams dashed once again?

  Bound Treasure

  Masters of the Prairie Winds Club

  Book Four

  by Avery Gale

  © Copyright July 2014 JK Publishing, Inc.

  ISBN # 9781311403841

  All cover art and logo © Copyright July 2014 by JK Publishing, Inc.

  All rights reserved.

  Edited by Caroline Kirby

  Artwork by Jess Buffett

  Published by JK Publishing, Inc.

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  A special thanks to Cathy Bryant for reminding me that some people are real treasures…the kind that need to be buried at the bottom of the sea. The conversation was not about the book I was writing…but it inspired the title…a detail I’d been struggling with. Cathy’s sense of humor sees me through each and every time I think I’ve hit the wall…and I thank her for always listening, gently prodding me in the right direction, and consistently adding sparkle to my life.

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen


  Books by Avery Gale

  Excerpt from Fated Magic

  Excerpt from Cabin Fever

  Excerpt from Mending Hearts

  JK Publishing, Inc. Author List


  Ten years ago

  “Regina—let me help you…come on, get out of your gear quickly. You have to hide. I don’t know who is coming, but we aren’t expecting anyone and I’m worried the family has found us.” Her father’s voice was frantic and his gaze kept flickering to the speedboats that were quickly closing in off the starboard quarter of their boat. She’d just come back onboard after helping him document the site of his latest discovery. As always, their boat was anchored a substantial distance from the actual wreckage in an effort to keep pirates from knowing the exact location of their find. They had already stored the smaller boat they used to travel to the site back in its hidden storage area along the port side. She heard her mother shout something to her father about taking “it” to their stateroom, but Regina wasn’t sure what she was referring to.

  Peeling off her wetsuit, she’d barely had time to pull a t-shirt over her head before her dad removed the gold chain and Hunab Ku symbol he always wore and slipped it over her head. He dropped the heavy gold pendant inside her shirt, then leaned forward to press a kiss to her damp forehead before shoving her toward the small closet along the main deck. He’d known how frightened she was of small, dark spaces and she was grateful he’d chosen one of the hiding places they’d designed for her that had a louvered door that let in enough light to keep her panic at bay. He lifted her to the top shelf and shoved her to the very back before packing old, foul smelling gear in front of her. At first Regina wasn’t sure she’d be able to keep from gagging, but she knew this wasn’t the time to argue with him.

  “I want you to stay quiet. No matter what happens, you are not to make any sound whatsoever, do you understand? Do not come out until your mama or I come to get you. If we can’t for some reason, you stay hidden until you know everyone is gone and then you shimmy out the trap door behind you. Make sure you turn on the locator beacon before you call for help. Do you remember how to run the radio?” At her nod he continued, “If we get separated, remember Hunab Ku will give you everything your heart most desires if you will just follow its path. Never let it out of your hands. If you have to leave the boat, take the one thing t hat holds your heart’s desire. Promise me you won’t forget and that you will stay perfectly quiet, sweetheart.”

  “I promise, Papa.”

  “One more thing…your mother and I love you with everything we are. And we are very proud of the young woman you are becoming. Remember…follow your heart, it will lead you to unimaginable treasures.” With that, he closed the door and the darkness seemed to swallow her whole. She shifted just enough that her eyes could see between the smelly tarps and nets through the slats of the door. While her narrowed view of the deck helped ease her claustrophobia, it also proved to be one of the most devastating decisions of her life.

  Chapter One

  Regi stared down in horror at the newspaper spread out before her. The story about the unusual wedding of two drop-dead gorgeous retired Navy SEALs marrying the same woman would have been big news any day, but when you took into account they were the sons of self-made billionaires Steve and Susie McCall, it was tabloid heaven. Every rag reporter in North America would be clamoring for an angle on the story and flying below the radar was going to be virtually impossible.

  There wasn’t just one photograph there were three…three that clearly showed her face. Regi’s hope the make-up artist the grooms’ mother had hired had made her unrecognizable, it vanished the instant she’d opened the paper and looked down to see her mother’s face staring back at her. She’d always been told she looked like her dad, but with her hair fixed and make-up on, there was no doubt her mother had left her genetic mark as well. How had she not recognized that particular problem when she’d looked in the mirror before the ceremony? Trying to steady her breathing wasn’t working and Regi could feel her control beginning to slip. Crap on a cottontail, anyone who knew her mother was going to know instantly where the missing Stephano daughter was now.

  Regi had been worried there might be a picture of her on some back page blip, but even in her worst nightmares she hadn’t imagined this. Knowing the worst was yet to come sent her heart rate into launch mode. The Austin Chronicle’s double page spread was sure to be picked up by national news outlets and from there it would be worldwide news within minutes. Knowing it was only a matter of hours before the pictures were in the hands of every thug with a gun wanting to make a name for himself with “the family”, was enough to make her dizzy. Regi dropped into her chair behind the reception desk in the Prairie Winds Club’s elegant entrance and put her head between her knees.

  Taking deep breaths hoping to banish the black dots that had begun dancing in her vision, Regi squeezed her eyes shut trying to focus on her brain’s need for oxygen rather than the pictures she’d just seen. How had the photographer managed to snap so many shots of her without her knowledge? Might have been the fact you were too focused on the Masters of Menace instead of paying attention. Maybe you should have been thinking with your head instead of letting your girly parts rule the night. Great, now I’m carrying on conversations with myself, next thing you know I’ll be spewing it aloud like Tobi. I swear she is contagious.

  A snort of laughter pulled Regi out of her thoughts, when her eyes flew open she wanted to groan. Didn’t it just figure the first thing she’d see would be black boots she knew belonged to Dr. Kirk Evans. Black and gently scuffed, the boots that were mere inches from her face obviously belonged to a man who was comfortable wearing them. These weren’t “city-boy boots” that hadn’t ever even seen a cow. No, these boots belonged to a man who had been raised wearing them, a man who was as comfortable in the saddle as he was seeing patients in his upscale medical clinic.

  Oh yeah, these boots belonged to a man who could turn her body every which way but loose with just a few words…and had done exactly that on more than one occasion. And right now, the caress of calloused fingers along the back of her neck reminded her just how familiar those hands were with her body. When she tried to sit up, his gentle grip held her in place and warm breath brushed over her ear as he spoke softly, “No, muñeca, stay where you are for a moment.” Regi didn’t want to obey him, but the submissive in her reacted to his Master’s voice before her brain could object to being called a doll.

  “Breathe with me.” His words were warm against the shell of her ear and even though she couldn’t see him, the gentle brush of his breath moving over the side of her face brought her breathing in sync with his. He didn’t rush her and the soft stroking of his fingers over the back of her neck was so soothing it was erotic. When she heard other voices murmuring in the background Regi stiffened and tried once again to sit up but Kirk’s firm grasp held her in place. “No, guapa. Stay where you are for a bit. The only person you should be concerned with has his lips pressed against your ear.” As much as Regi liked the sound of his Spanish endearments, she knew full well she wasn’t gorgeous, but she wasn’t really in a position to argue the point at the moment. Nope, head between knees to keep from crashing to the floor pretty much negates my position of power to debate anything. Damn and double damn.

  Regi knew what it was like to tumble over the edge into panic, it had happened all too frequently during those first few years after her parents had died. Now she found herself clinging to his voice as if it were a lifeline thrown to her just before going under for the last time. A part of her knew she was making a mistake, but the larger part was responding to the words of a man she trusted even when she didn’t want to. Kirk Evans knew exactly how to gain her compliance and right now, he was using every bit of that knowledge. His skilled fingers drew slow circles at the base of her skull easing the tension as the memories of all the ways those same fingers had lit up her world a couple of nights earlier began flashing through her mind sending a rush of sexual heat and desperate need straight to her sex. “I can smell your arousal, mi amor. And I have to say, I enjoy it much more than your fear.”

  Oh fuck a bunny, could this possibly get any more embarrassing? Maybe I should just give in? After all, what difference will it make if I’ve had wild monkey sex with the wack-a-doodle doctor duo when some asshat with a gun shows up at my door? At least I’ll die happy, right? There has to be some special place in the cracker factory for people who have entire conversations with themselves…and somebody should reserve me a room.


  Kirk Evans had been on his way out the front door of the Prairie Winds Club after stopping in to visit two of his favorite patients. He’d met with Tobi West and Gracie McDonald in the gazebo behind the club to discuss plans for their upcoming deliveries before their four husbands had joined them. As usual, the women were full of piss and vinegar as his mom would say, and Kirk had enjoyed his time with them. Watching the interaction between his friends and their women was always entertaining. It also fed his hope that he and his best friend and business partner, fellow OB-GYN, Brian Bennett, would be able to build a similar relationship with the right woman.

  They had long discussed the possibility of sharing a woman. Because their patients rarely decided to give birth during traditional office hours one of them was always on call and sharing a woman made sense when more often than not they were called back to the hospital for hours on end. On the rare occasions they’d pursued women as individuals, their time with her was so fractured they had never been able to form the deep bonds of trust and feelings of security a true submissive needs to flourish in a Dominant/submissive relationship.

  When they’d met Regina Turner, both he and Brian had known she was perfect for them. There was a soul-deep fire burning in the tiny woman that was impossible for either of them to turn away from. And despite the fact she was still fighting their mutual attraction as if her life depended on it, there was little doubt in anyone’s mind that she craved what they had to offer but was too frightened to reach out and grab it. When she’d agreed to let them escort her to her friend Jen’s wedding they’d been sure things were headed in the right direction. The evening had gone perfectly once they’d gotten her to relax. Smiling to himself, he remembered just how effectively two flutes of champagne had melted away her outer sh ields. The wild monkey sex they’d shared had given them the opportunity to crash through several more layers of those glass blocks she’d built around herself.

  The next morning, Regi had seemed pensive when they’d mentioned the rumor they’d heard about her moving. She hadn’t acted as if she was being secretive, it had seemed more like embarrassment about being forced to move from her small basement apartment. Micah Drake had told them what he’d overheard and had also mentioned the Wests had offered her one of the small cottages behind Prairie Winds. Kirk had made some inquiries around town and discovered the old home she lived in had recently been condemned. The building slated to be razed by the local historical society. Kirk had shaken his head and wondered what condition her small apartment was in, but considering the outrageous amount she’d been paying in rent—hell, he probably didn’t really want to know.

  He and Brian had been watching her carefully after Jax and Micah mentioned their concerns about Regi’s emotional state several months ago. Brian had made a late night house call to check on Gracie early in her pregnancy. After their wife was finally settled, the two men had brought up their concerns about the club’s vivacious business manager. Kirk had been at the hospital that night, so Brian had gone over to treat the overwhelming morning sickness Gracie had experienced early in her pregnancy. They didn’t see cases as extreme as hers very often and they’d teased her husbands they might have trouble convincing her to have a second child. As badly as he’d felt for Gracie, he’d also been grateful Brian had gotten the opportunity to speak with Jax and Micah. Their heads-up had come at a critical time because he and Brian had been getting close to giving up hope that Regi might be “the one”.