Mated Read online

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  When she tried yet again to pry her hand from his, he finally stopped and turned toward her. “Kit, I have already told you I won’t hurt you, but we need to talk so behave.” Then, as if he needed to soften his command, he brought his free hand up to her face and drew his fingertips slowly from her temple down her jawline and then cupped her jaw so her face was tilted up to his. “Let’s see if this helps,” and then he leaned down and sealed his lips over hers. The flavor of him burst over her pallet in an explosion of raw desire so potent it was as if her taste buds had suddenly came awake after a lifetime of being comatose. She immediately felt her sex flood with moisture in response and the silk thong she was wearing was soaked within seconds. She worried the evidence of her arousal would be trailing down the insides of her thighs if he continued his oral seduction. His tongue was dancing inside her mouth and she found herself pushing closer so her ample cleavage was pressed intimately against his chest. He literally growled when he finally backed away from the kiss. Realizing the kiss had ended, she slowly opened her eyes and found she was almost dizzy. She wasn’t sure if she was lightheaded from a lack of oxygen or from the potency of the man who had been kissing her, but she realized she was almost panting as she struggled to regain her focus.

  She finally found her voice, “No. I don’t want this. I don’t want to be mated. Please, let me go.” She was sure the airy words weren’t going to be very credible, but she felt better for having tried.

  He’d moved his mouth back to her ear and licked the outer shell before whispering, “Oh my sweet kitten, I can smell your arousal so your denial falls on deaf ears. And that lovely short skirt you are wearing means I can slide my fingers all the way into your wet heat to find out if you are wet for me. And I’d love to feel my fingers sliding through your honey, but I have someone I would like for you to meet first. But, kitten, the choice is yours. We can continue to my office to meet my brother or I can finger fuck you into oblivion right here in front of several of our pack members who are already watching us with avid interest. What’s it going to be, Kit?”

  She swayed on her feet, but managed to recover enough to brace herself before her knees folded. She was worried she might have an orgasm from his words alone and the feel of his warm breath pushing desire over her ear and into her mind was chipping away at her resistance. His voice was pure sex set to sound and she shuddered at how effective it was. Having an audience was not the way she wanted this discussion to go down, so she opted to continue to his office. “Office” was all she managed to squeeze past the lump in her throat, but it must have been enough because he quickly resumed his long strides down a hall she hadn’t even noticed they were standing near when she’d pulled him to a stop.

  Trevlon Wolf had scented their mate before his brother had even walked through the door of their office with her. His first look at her stole his breath. Every man, whether or not a shifter, dreams his mate will be beautiful. But he’d never dared to imagine he and Jameson would be lucky enough to get a mate as drop-fucking-dead gorgeous. And he could smell her arousal, and it was an intoxicating blend of temptation and pure sexual fantasy. He stepped forward as they came further into the large room. “Introduce me, brother.” He knew his words sounded harsh, but he wasn’t going to waste a single moment. He wanted her naked and spread out in front of him ten minutes ago.

  “Kit, this is my baby brother, Trevlon. Trev, this is Kathleen Harris.” Trevlon didn’t miss the fact she was staring at him. As identical twins, he and Jameson were well accustomed to this reaction.

  “Baby brother? Aren’t you twins? I mean, how can you not be twins?”

  Trev watched as her eyes went wide and her nostrils flared. He would have bet his last nickel she’d suddenly concluded she was mated to them both.

  “Oh, crap on a cactus. Tell me you don’t think you are both my mates. Hell, I don’t want or need one mate, let alone two.”

  He nearly laughed out loud when her eyes went wide with alarm.

  “Shit, there aren’t any more of you are there? Like those groups out at those tables…each table only had one women and two or more men. Damn, I’m going to kick Libby’s ass, this is all her fault. And if she tells my parents I’ll have to kill her, I don’t want to, but I will. And she’ll have it coming, too. Fuck me. This is a disaster of Biblical proportions.”

  Trev had been enjoying her little tirade. Personally he could see a lot of benefits to having their woman ramble. Obviously she was thinking out loud and that would certainly work to their benefit. Glancing toward his brother, he was sure Jameson was thinking the same thing because he recognized the sly smile. Deciding to just reach out and take her small hand in his to see what effect it had, he was shocked, literally, at the surge of electrical energy he felt race up his arm. He smiled when he saw her expressive eyes go wide in surprise. Oh yeah, baby, you felt it too didn’t you?

  Trev led Kit to a sofa facing the fireplace and pulled her down beside him. “Baby, there is no use denying what we all know is true, and that is we are mates. And no, it is just my older brother and I. And by the way, you are right, we are identical twins and he is three minutes older.” Trev was still holding her hand and he was pleased that she hadn’t pulled her tiny hand from his. Looking into her emerald eyes, he saw a wariness that made him wonder who had hurt her. When he took a deep breath, the smell of her arousal filled his body and ignited a hunger he wasn’t going to be able to tamp down much longer.

  “Jameson, update me.” Trev wanted to know what his brother had told her about them. Jameson had moved so he was sitting on the other side of Kit and was leaning in close to her. Trev saw the raw hunger that was ravaging him reflected in his brother’s face and knew Jameson was probably as desperate to sink into her, as he was himself.

  “I hadn’t even told her my name, so she has no idea who we are. From her reaction to the starlight room, I’m guessing that even though she is a shifter she knows little about the social workings or politics of packs. She’s made it very clear she doesn’t want to be mated, so it's the first thing we’ll need to discuss.” Jameson was uncharacteristically snide and Trev wondered why. When he looked at his brother and simply raised a brow, Jameson merely shrugged. “I don’t understand why she’s fighting this. It’s not like we’re the worst catches on the planet.”

  And there it was—the crux of the matter was that Jameson Wolf wasn’t used to being rejected. Trev was sure their beautiful mate could be persuaded, but first they’d need to find out what her objection was based on. Turning to Kit, he smiled and then using his finger, he turned her chin so she was facing him. “Kit, we’ll explain everything as we go along, but first I want you to answer a question. And I want you to answer it with complete honesty. Can you do that for me?”

  He watched and waited as she seemed to weigh her options, when she finally nodded her head he smiled and leaned forward to kiss the tip of her nose. “Good enough. Now, why are you so desperately afraid of being mated?”

  Chapter Three

  Kit was reeling and each time she thought she was close to getting her feet under her again, she was hit with another wave of soul-altering arousal. Trevlon Wolf’s sweet kiss on the end her nose had pushed his scent deep inside her and it had wrapped its tentacles in a deep spiral all the way to her soaking sex. The entire time she had been sitting in their office she’d been trying to figure out why she didn’t just leave and she still hadn’t come up with a plausible answer.

  The room itself was spectacular. Polished wood floors and intricately carved moldings gave the setting a distinctive Victorian look. But it was the enormous fireplace made of shiny black onyx that was the focal point of the room. Having a mother who was a witch had its advantages and she was well versed in the magical powers of onyx. The look of the entire office spoke volumes that all led to one undeniable conclusion, this room was the home territory of raw male power and had been influenced by magic, whether or not they knew it. A mantle made from a glistening slab of gray granite topped off the fireplace and the mirror that hung above the mantle was slanted so it reflected the entire room. The large window to her left featured an interesting symbol consisting of a triangle with a night forest scene, a howling wolf, and a wolf print. It was a spectacular piece of glass and none of the symbolism was lost on her. Even with her limited knowledge of pack life, she recognized what her father had told her was the “call to power” of the were packs that fought for good.

  Moving her gaze around the room, she noticed each piece of furniture in the room was oversized, no doubt owing to the very tall men who did their business here. Oddly there didn’t seem to be much paperwork on the desks and Kit wondered briefly if they actually worked here or if it was more of a fancy place to meet people. Oh shit. It’s probably the place they bring women they want to… Eww, so not going there.

  She finally came back from her musings and realized they were both looking at her expectantly. Damn it, Kit, pay attention. Shit, what did he ask? Fear? Did he say something about fear? “I’m sorry, could you repeat the question please? I’m afraid I got lost in thought for a few seconds there.”

  She heard Jameson’s snort from beside her, “A few seconds my ass. Where did you go anyway?”

  Trev looked at Jameson and shook his head. “Baby, never mind him, he has never been the most patient person around and the burden of his responsibilities as our pack’s Alpha doesn’t tend to do much to help the situation.” Kit knew the leaders of shifter packs carried a huge burden on their shoulders, but she didn’t understand why he’d have to do it alone if they were twins. The only thing she could come up with was that since he was the oldest he was forced to carry the majority of the burden.

  Trevlon smiled at her and said, “We’ll ask you more about these little mental road trips you take some another time. Right now, I’m more interested in finding out why you are so opposed to being mated. And specifically I’d like to know why you are opposed to being mated with us.”

  Concentrate, Kit. Damn, you have to get your shit together and get out of here. They know exactly how to play this game and you are fucking clueless. You have just walked into a battle with a butter knife. And there are two of them and they are gorgeous and smell amazing and…damn it focus. “Well, I have been thinking about moving and I don’t want to be stuck here. You know how it is. Can’t stay anywhere too long, because, well…people start to notice when you don’t age.” She kept her eyes lowered because she was worried they’d see straight through her lie. She had never been very good at deception because for the most part, she simply had never cared enough to even practice. Her feeling had always been, if you don’t like me, feel free to move along, because the door that let you in will also let you out. Having lived as long as she had, she knew relationships with humans tended to be very transient, so it had always been easier to just move on.

  Kit didn’t have any intention of telling either of them that she was the product of a very unusual mating. Nor did she plan to explain that becoming mated herself was the very thing that would set her magical powers free. Kit’s mother was a very powerful witch whose true powers hadn’t been realized until she had mated with Kit’s father.

  Kit had always known she would come into her magical powers when she mated and she had every intention of continuing to avoid it like the plague, thank you very much. Hell, even she knew that with immense magical ability came crushing responsibility. And quite frankly, she was having too much fun to be forced to spend her time fighting the battles she knew her mother and grandmother traveled the world to face.

  “Baby, tell us what you know about being a mated shifter. And what does it mean to you specifically?” Trev Wolf’s voice was like the smoothest whiskey and likely just as addictive. She was trying to force herself to concentrate on the words themselves and not fall into the seductive cadence of his voice, but there was a hypnotic quality to it that drew her in and held her as if she’d been tied down. Oh and that was a mental picture she certainly hadn’t needed. Being bound and spread wide for their pleasure was exactly where she longed to be, but she needed to stop letting her hormones lead her thoughts.

  She’d never had an orgasm that was brought on by anything that didn’t require batteries, but she instinctively recognized the tell-tale flutters in her clit. Shifting in her seat and crossing her legs, she hoped to stop the evidence of her arousal from soaking into the cushion under her. She had to suppress a shudder, holy crap, just thinking about that was mortifying. But Jameson reached over and pulled her leg back down and then spread them further apart. “Oh no you don’t, kitten. You are trying to hide your arousal from us and we won’t allow it. And it wouldn’t matter, because we’d be able to smell your sweet pussy for several miles if conditions were ideal, and if we’re in the same room with you, there is absolutely no way you can mask it. After we’ve claimed you, we’ll be able to tell you things about your body that you probably can’t yet even imagine.” He’d been rubbing gently up and down the inside of her thigh and the movement drew her with its almost magnetic force despite her best efforts to fight it. The battle was really with her self sense that falling under his spell was inevitable. When Trev gently tugged her other leg she felt a white hot streak of need pulse from her clit to her core. She moaned and felt her legs fall open.

  There was a small part of her brain that kept fighting to surface, and it was trying to warn her about something, but the voice was being drowned out by the sound of blood rushing through her ears. No doubt the blood coursing past her ears was heading south to join all the rest. And all of the pooling was making her pussy feel like it was swelling and throbbing in time with her rapidly beating heart. She could feel Trev leaning close, and when he drew his tongue up the side of her neck, pausing to press it flat against the pulse point, she arched her back and cried out, “Oh, God, please.”

  “Please what, baby? I can’t give you what you want until I know what it is.” She knew he was playing her, but she was so swamped with the pure animalistic desire that was clawing its way to the surface she couldn’t manage to care.

  “Please touch me,” Kit barely recognized her own voice but at that moment, she didn’t care how needy she sounded. Goddess help her, she was going to implode if one of them didn’t touch her pussy soon.

  “Oh, baby, it’s going to be our pleasure to touch you. Lean back against Jameson.” She felt them shift her so her back was against Jameson’s massive chest and his hands slid under her shirt to cup her breasts over the barely there lace bra she’d worn. When he gently pinched her nipples, she felt them stiffen and peak to even sharper points than they were already. The slight zing of pain had just made her pussy wetter and she realized she was arching and pressing closer into his touch. For several minutes she just leaned against him and lost herself in the feeling of his warm, calloused fingers through her bra. Finally she heard his growl as he easily ripped the fabric of her shirt and bra so he could bare her breasts to his touch in one swift motion.

  “Open your eyes, baby. I want you to see how much I want you.” She had to force her eyes open and was grateful she had because the look on Trevlon Wolf’s face was one she would remember until the end of time. His beautiful features were tight, his focus and lust for her was written in each line and curve of his face. But it was the blatant desire that stole her breath. Kit felt like her skin was tingling and she worried briefly if the feeling wasn’t some prelude to a release of magical power. What if her mother and grandmother had been wrong? What if all it took to release her power was an orgasm at the hand of one of the mates the fates had chosen for her?

  Suddenly Kit felt herself panting for breath and not from her arousal, oh no, this was pure unmitigated panic. Trev must have sensed the shift in her because his eyes searched hers and he scooted up so his face was directly in front of hers. “Baby, take a deep breath. No, slow it down. Stop. Now I want you to focus, Kit.” Kit was trying to follow his instructions, but she felt like she was a caught inside a snowball that someone had casually pushed over the top of a mountain. It was a steep fall and she was gaining speed.

  She felt Jameson pull her up on to his lap and then his commanding tone flooded her awareness, “Focus on our voices, kitten. Let the words seep deeply into your fear so it shatters. I don’t know what sent you into this storm, but we’re here to pull you back. We’ll always be here. That is something you need to know about us, love. And there is nothing the three of us can’t face together.”

  Kit locked on to his face as well as his words as if they were lifelines. But even though she appreciated his confidence, she knew they wouldn’t want anything to do with her once they knew what destiny held for her if she let herself become their mate. And honestly, who could blame them? She’d seen the torment her father went through being married to her mother. The weeks and months her mom spent away from home fighting the darkest forces the underworld had to offer, those that were so powerful they continually threatened the delicate balance between the light and dark of the world.

  There wasn’t any doubt she was wildly attracted to these men, but it wasn’t them she feared. No, her real fear was she didn’t want to give up the life she had enjoyed for so many years. She wasn’t ready to spend all of her time devoted to fighting a battle that would never be truly won. But she wondered if maybe…just maybe she could give herself over to the pleasures they could provide and not actually become mated. As she understood it, they had to actually claim her in order for her magic to be released. So the real question was actually whether or not it was fair to them to enjoy the unbridled pleasure she was sure they could give her and then simply walk away? She could easily disappear again, so hell yes, the pleasure was sounding more and more possible. And then she’d move on—no one would look for her in New Mexico.
